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Questions I will answer:

-What are essential oils?

-Why do essential oils work?

-How do essential oils enter the body?

-Why is Young Living the best option?





What are essential oils?

Essential oils are a plant’s immune system.  The immune system fights against molds, funguses, viruses, bacteria and other issues that can harm or kill the plant.  Essential oils protect humans in the same way. 


Essential oils are highly effective in protecting us against health concerns and are a superior support to our body’s systems, such as the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, reproductive, Endocrine and nervous systems.


Pure essential oils are man’s first medicine. Pharmaceutical companies often create drugs by combining plant extracts and adding synthetic chemicals that often cause adverse side effects.





Why do essential oils work?

Essential oils are made up of tiny molecules that are very easily absorbed. Essential oil molecules are much smaller than those of common "fatty oils" like olive and peanut oil. Substances with smaller molecules are more easily absorbed into the body because small molecules permeate and absorb better than large molecules.


Each oil has a unique chemical composition of terpenes, esters, oxides, alcohols, phenols, ketones, and aldehydes. These components interact with bodily systems and, depending on the essential oil, can stimulate the immune system, aid cell growth, help eliminate toxins, kill bacteria and viruses, and so on.


Essential oils can help alter our physical, mental and emotional well-being by triggering and strengthening our bodies’ own natural processes. They are made up of tiny molecules that can deliver healing properties to the systems that control our physiological state.




How do essential oils enter the body?


Absorption through application to the skin



It’s important to research into proper use for each essential oil, especially for children and pregnant and nursing mothers.


Essential oils are the world’s most powerful antioxidants. Most people have discovered antioxidants cleanse the body of free radicals, slow the aging process & protect our body against disease. For almost every health condition there is an essential oil that is recommended.


***FUN FACT:  When inhaled, ingested or absorbed into skin, one ounce of Clove Oil is equivalent to consuming 450 pounds of carrots, 120 quarts of blueberries, or 48 gallons of beet juice.




































Inhalation of an essential oil is done through the nose or mouth. Essential oils are often inhaled by using a diffuser, humidifier, boiling water, diffuser necklaces, dropping oils on a pillow, dripping oils onto palms and cupping hands over nose, or simply by smelling the bottle of oil. The effectiveness of each of these delivery methods varies.


Diffusing essential oils is an exceptional delivery system because the ultrasonic vibrations break the essential oils’ molecules into smaller particles for superior absorption. The molecules stay suspended in the atmosphere longer and everyone in the room can enjoy the benefits when oils are diffused into the air.


When essential oils are inhaled through the nose, tiny nerves send an immediate signal throughout the body and the essential oils go straight to work on the systems that moderate our minds and bodies.


Inhaling essential oils benefits organs and cells. The airborne molecules interact with the organs and almost immediately penetrate the brain and limbic system (the emotional part of the brain, which is also responsible for controlling heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance) through receptor sites. Inhalation can be the most direct delivery method to the brain since the chemical messengers in the nasal cavity have direct access to the brain. The molecules are also carried to the lungs and respiratory system.


This is why certain scents often trigger memories or emotions and can have profound physiological and psychological results.




































Certain essential oils can be applied topically to the skin. Tiny molecules enable essential oils to quickly cross through tissues, cell walls, and the blood-brain barrier. Each oil has the powerful ability to reach all areas of the body quickly, including the brain, heart, lungs, muscles, kidneys, reproductive organs, etc.  Our skin is somewhat permeable; therefore the active compounds in essential oils are quickly absorbed. When essential oils are applied to the skin, their healing components are absorbed into the bloodstream by the pores and hair follicles.


Quick Absorption Methods:

  • Massaging the area first increases circulation and increase in absorption of the essential oils.

  • Heat increases circulation and enhances absorption.Apply a hot compress by applying oils to skin, then placing a hot wet towel over area, covered by a dry towel.

  • Apply oils to skin and then place a wet towel over area.Oils repel water and therefore go deeper and more quickly into the skin.

  • Some researchers report essential oils may be more readily absorbed into the skin when applied to areas with greater concentrations of sweat glands or hair follicles including the head, soles, palms, and underarms.

  • Pulse points are the areas of the body where blood vessels are closest to the skin’s surface. Applying essential oils to these areas allows for quicker absorption and help them get to work faster.

  • Try applying to the wrists, temples and back of the neck.  Your wrists are one on the most permeable areas of the body. Therefore, reaching for a fragrant healthy essential oil approved for skin application is wiser than going for a toxic perfume.


Why not apply essential oils directly over area of concern?  Often, essential oils are apply directly over area of concern but any time applying oils to areas such as feet, palms, temples, etc. are more beneficial.  Think of it like this: You hydrate soil because that is where the roots are to absorb the nutrients. You wouldn’t get the same effect if you just watered the leaves or flowers.


Caution should be taken as some oils are not approved for skin application and/or may adversely interact with sun exposure.


Try this fun and easy experiment!

First, rub Peppermint oil onto the sole of your foot. Second, pay attention to your taste buds. Within 2 minutes you will taste peppermint on your tongue! This experiment provides personal proof that essential oils cross through every tissue within the entire body.























































































Essential oils can enter the body orally, through ingestion (swallowing). Ingesting essential oils is not recommended unless you consult a trained health care professional. Caution is advised for the following reasons: Some essential oils can be toxic to the liver or kidneys when ingested. The chemical breakdown of some essential oils, during gastric processing, can change the effects. Quality and purity is extremely important when ingesting oils.  Many essential oils are not safe to ingest because they contain synthetics, dies, and other harmful additives.  Almost all Young Living essential oils are safe to ingest.  Learn more about Young Livings purity at





Why is Young Living the best option?

Quality and purity.  Young Living is proud to set the standard for essential oil purity and authenticity by carefully monitoring the production of oils through their unique Seed to Seal® process. From the time the seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle, Young Living applies the most rigorous quality controls possible to ensure that you are receiving essential oils exactly the way nature intended.


"We believe that you and your family deserve products that are genuine, free of synthetic chemicals, and of unmatched purity. Seed to Seal® is both a promise to you and a reflection of our sense of global stewardship."


Visit for more information on why Young Living is the top essential oil company in the WORLD!


You can also check out my “Why Choose Young Living”  page for more information.



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