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Hello! My name is Jeni. By now you probably figured out I am vegan and an essential oil lover!


Here is a little more about my life and how I got to where I am today...


My Vegan Journey

I started questioning what I was eating when I was in Jr. High, which was in the year 2000. After a little research, I quickly started cutting out all animal products! It was literally making me gag!

At that time, I became vegan because my stomach didn't sit well with consuming meat or dairy or taking a life for me to eat. But through the years, it became so much more than that! With all the hormones and antibiotics being pushed through the meat and dairy industry, it became about my health as well. Recently, a lot of my family has made the switch to a vegan lifestyle, which has made all the get-togethers and holidays so much better!! Lets just say, my mom makes amazing vegan food!

But... these are just my opinions and what you choose to do with your life is your choice. I promise to never judge you!


My Oily Journey

My first experience with essential oils was when I got my ears pierced. They got so infected people told me I needed to take them out but I loved them so much! I tried everything I could to heal them. After trying several remedies, I saw a suggestion online to use Tea Tree. I got a bottle from the local store and it healed up so quickly, I couldn't believe it! I left it at that...

A few years later I was in a contract with a company and I had to spend a certain amount each month. I was looking on the company's website trying to find items to fill my order and I came across their essential oils. I bought a few, not knowing what they were and I started reading up on them. I remembered I knew someone who was using the oils so I called her and she came over to give me some information. Little did I know, there are hundred of essential oils and an endless number of uses!

I purchased a starter kit and as soon as it came in the mail, I was researching all the oils and what they could do. As I would hear people around me talking about different issues they were having, I would say “Hey, try this! I read that it would help with that even though it probably isn't going to work.” and everyone would come back saying “Oh My Gosh... What is that stuff? I need more!” When I saw what it was doing, I started giving oils to everyone! I wanted to know how much these oils could do. People who had issues for years and had been going to the doctors continuously were finding answers! This is when it really caught my attention!


Seeing my family and friends get better naturally and hearing the stories from all the people I meet is what really drives me!


Needless to say, I love my oils!


I hope I can help you find the same success using essential oils and I hope this site will give you all the information you need to find or maintain wellness!


Beyond the Oils

After incorporating the oils into my life, I noticed Young Living had a lot of other oil-infused products like: shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant, household cleaner, and all these other products. I started questioning what was wrong with the products I was currently using. I opened my eyes to all the other things we do on a daily basis that cause us to be unwell. We are hearing more and more stories about “healthy” people getting sick out of nowhere. There is so much more to think about on top of exercising and eating healthy! It's amazing how many times a day we come in contact with chemicals and toxins. It is scary how much I didn't know and how badly it could have hurt me in the long run. I created the “Chemical-Free Living” page to help you understand why I am going chemical-free and how important it is for you to start making changes now!


This is just the beginning of an incredible journey and one that I am so grateful for!



P.S. About my first experience using essential oils... You should never buy essential oils from your local store like I did. Companies are not required to disclose what is in their products. Any company can write that their oils are 100% pure when only a fraction of the bottle contains essential oils. There are no regulation on what companies write on their bottles. Therefore, you should always use a company that you know and trust. Only a fraction of the essential oil companies on the market offer essential oils that contain healing properties. Using essential oils that are adulterated (poor quality) or diluted with synthetics can harm us. We use essential oils to heal our bodies and detox all the toxins we inhale, consume, and absorb on a daily basis. If we use adulterated or diluted essential oils, we are defeating the purpose of using essential oils and I would suggest to not incorporate essential oils into your life.


Check out my “12 Questions to Ask Your Essential Oil Company” page to make sure you are using the highest quality essential oils that will do create the greatest benefits for you and your family.


You can also check out my “Why I Chose Young Living” page.







If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me!


I look forward to joining you on your journey!




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