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Here are some super easy essential oil infused recipes for you and your guests this 4th of July. Plus, tips for using essential oils during and after the excitement!

Red, White, and Blue Popsicles

Puree blueberries and put them at the bottom of your Popsicle mold. Put in the freezer until blueberry puree is almost frozen.

Next, layer vanilla yogurt or coconut cream. Put in the freezer until almost frozen.

Finally, top the Popsicle mold off with NingXia Red.

You can do 1/3 blueberry, NingXia Red, and Yogurt or Coconut Cream or any pattern you'd like.


Lemon Stuffed Strawberries

Leaf side down, cut the bottom of the strawberry in half but not all the way through and then in half again the other way, like a cross.

Get your favorite icing or whipped topping and add 8-10 drops of lemon. Mix well. Put in an piping bag or plastic bag.

Start with piping bag or plastic bag at the bottom of the cut part of the strawberry and fill with icing or whipped topping.

Top off with a blueberry.


Strawberry, Blueberry Lemonade

2 Cups Strawberries

4 Cups Water

Juice of 1 Lemon (for added tartness)

5 drops of Lemon essential oil

Agave nectar or honey to taste

Puree strawberries. Mix in water, lemon juice, and lemon essential oil.

Add agave nectar or honey to taste.

Top with blueberries.

Pour in a glass, add ice, and enjoy!

Super easy!


Here are some really great oils to use on your dog before the fireworks start:

Peace & Calming


Stress Away

Tranquil Roll-On



You can apply a tiny amount to their paws or you can put a couple drops in your hands and rub your hands over their coats.


Other Tips for the 4th of July

Eat too much???

DiGize or TummyGize for children.

Rub on tummy, feet, or take in a capsule.

Get a minor owie???

Of course you want to see a doctor if you are injured but for very minor owies, apply Lavender, Tea Tree, or Frankincense essential oils.

Breathe in too much smoke???

RC, Peppermint, or Breathe Again are great options for supporting your respiratory system. Depending how much excitement you have on your street, you may be breathing in a ton of smoke. Apply to chest, feet, temples or sinus areas.

Get dirty??? or Want to stay clean???

Take Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier with you or make your own by mixing a small amount of Thieves Household Cleaner with water in a foam pump bottle.

Want to have an annoyance-free outdoors???

Citronella and Purification are great for enjoying an annoyance-free outdoors. Also, check out Young Living's NEW Insect Repellent!


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