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Detox teas, supplement kits, drinks, pills... you name it, I've tried it and Young Living's Cleansing Trio is by far the best!

Unlike other products that strip the body of everything, good and bad, the Cleansing Trio puts back what it takes out to support normal organ function for a more balanced and efficient experience.

Whether you want to jump start your diet, gain a ton of energy, feel lighter or gain an improved sense of well-being, this cleanse is for you!

Young Living’s Cleansing Trio kit contains these 3 essential-oil infused products:




The trio contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, fiber and essential oils.

Let’s take a closer look at each product

Comfortone (capsules) activate the bowel and supports the GI system by removing toxins and residue (sludge) from the colon. It is an effective combination of herbs and essential oils that support the health of the digestive system by eliminating residues from the colon and enhancing its natural ability to function optimally.* Because it supports normal peristalsis (the wave-like contractions that move food through the intestines), ComforTone is ideal for strengthening the system that delivers nutrients to the rest of the body.* It also contains ingredients that are beneficial to liver, gall bladder, and stomach health.*

How to use:

Take 2-3 capsules before breakfast and bedtime. Drink at least 64 ounces of distilled water throughout the day for best results.

ICP is a blend of fiber and herbs created to provide bulk and nutrition to gently cleanse the intestines.

It helps keep your colon clean with an advanced mix of fibers that scour out residues.* A healthy digestive system is important for the proper functioning of all other systems because it absorbs nutrients that are used throughout the body. ICP provides ingredients such as psyllium, oat bran, and flax and fennel seeds to form a combination of soluble and insoluble fibers. Enhanced with a special blend of essential oils, the fibers work to decrease the buildup of wastes, improve nutrient absorption, and help maintain a healthy heart.* ICP provides three grams of soluble fiber and one gram of insoluble fiber per serving.

How to use:

Mix 2 rounded teaspoons with at least 8 oz. of juice or water. If cleansing or eating a high-protein diet, use 3 times daily. If eating a low-protein diet, use once daily. Drink immediately as this product tends to thicken quickly when added to liquid. Tastes best in carrot juice, apple juice or smoothies.

Essentialzyme supports digestive health, especially the pancreas and liver while breaking up the plaque in the colon and eliminating toxins.

Essentialzyme™ is a bi-layered, multi-enzyme complex caplet specially formulated to improve and balance digestive health and to stimulate overall enzyme activity to combat the modern diet. Essentialzyme contains tarragon, peppermint, anise, fennel, and clove essential oils to improve overall enzyme activity, reduce pancreatic stress, and support healthy pancreatic function.

How to use:

Take 1 dual time-release caplet 3 times daily between meals. Essentialzyme has been expertly formulated with dual time-release technology to improve overall enzyme activity, reduce stress & assist with healthy pancreatic function, eliminate harmful waste & internally purify. Use daily to maintain proper balance for a lifetime of digestive health & wellness.*

The trio allows you to adjust the dosage according to your body’s needs. Every person is different so you will have to experiment a little with yourself.

Important notes:

  • This system is not meant for weight loss and should not be used long term. Think of it as a short term and gentle reset so you can start fresh, just like your new year!

  • It is vital to drink 3 quarts (12 8-oz. glasses) of water per day while cleansing.


Throughout the day

  • Drink at least 64 ounces of distilled water throughout the day for best results.

Before Breakfast

  • Take 2-3 capsules of ComforTone

  • 1 Essentialzyme dual time-release caplet

  • Mix 2 rounded teaspoons of ICP with at least 8 oz. of juice or water.


  • 1 Essentialzyme dual time-release caplet

  • Mix 2 rounded teaspoons of ICP with at least 8 oz. of juice or water. Do not do this step if you are eating a low-protein diet.


  • Take 2-3 capsules of ComforTone

  • 1 Essentialzyme dual time-release caplet

  • Mix 2 rounded teaspoons of ICP with at least 8 oz. of juice or water. Do not do this step if you are eating a low-protein diet.

Continue on the 3 supplements for a minimum of 2 weeks. It is recommended you stay with this for longer if you wish to completely cleanse the colon.

If you have been doing this for a week and still haven’t achieved 2-3 BMs a day, add a drop or 2 of Peppermint oil to a glass of your water or VitaFlex it into your feet and see if that helps.

Order the Cleansing Trio

Order the Cleansing Trio on Young Living’s site:

If you don’t already have a Young Living account, you can get one by clicking HERE.

Let me know if you have any questions at all! Contact me at

More proof that this cleanse is Amazing!

Dr. LeAnne & David Deardeuffar, authors of Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils: Powerful Cleansing Protocols for Increased Energy and More Radiant Health recommend Young Living’s colon cleanse because of the enzymes that help you to digest your food until the body can do it on its own.


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