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Did you know that some of the household cleaners in your home are some of the most toxic products in your entire house? Household cleaners are responsible for 10% of the calls reported to the US Poison Control Center in 2000. That is 206,636 calls! Over half of the calls were for children under 6.

Many household cleaners are extremely toxic and can cause many issues like, respiratory issues, endocrine system issues, skin irritation, watery eyes, chemical burns, or even cancer, just to name a few. They can affect every organ in your body and even cause antibiotic resistance.

When you are cleaning, you are absorbing the chemicals through your hands, feet and/or respiratory system. Your hands and feet are the gate way to every organ in your body and because your skin does not protect you from toxins, every chemical goes straight to your organs in seconds! These chemicals can also make their way to your organs through inhalation.

So basically, these toxic products are affecting us negatively in every way possible… and we wonder why everyone is sick! I want to scream this from the rooftop and help everyone I can!


One major problem is the Toxic Substance Control Act or the TSCA from 1976. This act allows companies to keep the chemicals in their products a secret. It is estimated that 20% of 80,000 chemicals are kept secret. This act also makes is extremely hard for the companies who want to provide healthy products because it’s almost impossible to get information on the chemicals within this act. So the companies who are trying to do good can’t get any information on whether a chemical is safe or unsafe.

We are the guinea pigs! When the government decides to test a chemical, 50% or more of the animals tested have to die before a chemical is labeled toxic and taken off the market.

We trust the government and assume that they are overseeing the safety of these products but the truth is that they are greatly unregulated. The EWG has an amazing database that allows us to fill the information gap. Check it out HERE.

Also, check out the EWG Cleaners Database HALL OF SHAME, HERE.

Be cautious of false claims such as, “safe”, “non-toxic” or “green”. Many of these products still contain hazardous ingredients because there is no law regulating this type of labeling.

For more information on "Why Go Chemical-Free", Click HERE.




The word “phthalate” won’t actually be on the label but if you see the word “fragrance” or “perfume”, the product most likely contains phthalates.

Phthalates are found in fragranced products, such as air fresheners, dish soap, etc. You might even find phthalates in toilet paper!

Phthalates are most absorbed when inhaled but also absorbed through your skin, which is dangerous because your skin has no protection again toxins. When chemicals are absorbed through your skin, they go straight to your organs.

Phthalates are a known endocrine disruptor. Studies have found that men who have higher phthalate compounds in their blood, have lower sperm counts. Aerosol sprays and air fresheners can cause other issues like migraines and asthma triggers.


Fragrances are added to cleaners such as laundry detergents, fabric softeners, air fresheners, and soaps.

Fragrances are a RED FLAG! A fragrance is a company’s secret blend, therefore, the company does not have to disclose any of the information about it. This means that you could be putting any number of extremely toxic chemicals on your body.

Fragrances may cause respiratory irritation, headache, sneezing, and watery eyes in sensitive individuals or allergy and asthma sufferers. 1/3 of the chemicals used in the fragrance industry are toxic and because companies are not required to label fragrances as toxic, you should learn to automatically think, fragrance = toxic.

For more information on fragrance, click HERE.


Perchloroethylene or Perc is most commonly found in dry-cleaning products, spot removers, and carpet and upholstery cleaners.

Perc is a neurotoxin and the EPA classifies it as a possible carcinogen. Those who live near a dry-cleaning company have reported dizziness, loss of coordination, and other symptoms. The EPA has ordered a phase-out of perc in residential buildings by 2020 and California plans to eliminate all perc by 2023.

Like phthalates, people are most commonly exposed to perc through inhalation. It is what you are smelling when you pick your clothes up from the dry cleaner or after the carpet and upholstery cleaners leave.


Triclosan is found in most liquid dish washing detergents and hand soaps that are labeled “antibacterial”.

This is an aggressive antibacterial agent, which may promote the growth of drug-resistant bacteria. There is no evidence that antimicrobials make us healthier or protect us more. Rather, they want us to use less because there is a concern that overuse may cause microbe resistance, not just to cleaners but antibiotics! There is also concern that triclosan may be an endocrine disruptor and possible carcinogen.


Quarternary ammonium compounds or quats are found in fabric softener liquids and sheets and most household cleaners that are “antibacterial”.

Quats are also an antimicrobial and therefore, have the same negative impact on our body as triclosan. One study found quats to be the leading cause for contact dermatitis. Quats may also cause respiratory issues.


DEA / TEA is the foaming agent found in all-purpose cleaners.

These chemicals are known hormone disruptors and has been linked with cancers of the stomach, esophagus, liver, kidney and bladder.

These two chemicals have been banned from products in Europe because they are known carcinogens.


2-Butoxyethanol is found in window, kitchen and multipurpose cleaners.

2-Butoxyethanol is categorized as a “glycol ether”, which are powerful solvents. This chemical is what gives window cleaners their sweet smell. When inhaled, this chemical may cause you to have a sore throat. When large volumes are inhaled, glycol ethers can contribute to narcosis, pulmonary edema, and severe liver and kidney damage. When absorbed through the skin, this chemical can damage red blood cells. Using this chemical may also cause eye irritation.


Ammonia is found in Polishing agents for bathroom fixtures, sinks and jewelry. It is also found in glass cleaner.

Ammonia is a powerful irritant that will affect you right away. Those who have asthma and elderly people with lung issues or breathing problems will have a harder time using these products. Those who work in the cleaning industry will often develop chronic bronchitis and asthma. When ammonium and bleach are mixed, they will create a poisonous gas. Ammonia can also cause headaches.


Chlorine is found in scouring powders, toilet bowl cleaners, mildew removers, laundry whiteners, and household tap water!

Because chlorine is used in city water to remove bacteria, escaping it is almost impossible and we face added exposure when we use products containing chlorine.

Chlorine can cause serious thyroid issues as well as irritate your respiratory system. When mixed with ammonium they form lung damaging gases.


Sodium hydroxide or lye, is found in oven cleaners and drain cleaners.

This chemical is extremely corrosive and irritating to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs, and should not be used by those with asthma or any lung or heart problems. When sodium hydroxide comes in contact with your skin or eyes, it can cause severe burns. Inhaling this chemical may cause a sore throat.


When mixed with any acid-based cleaner, such as vinegar or ammonia, the combined product will release a toxic chloramine gas. Exposure to this gas can cause mild asthmatic symptoms and respiratory problems.


Petroleum distillates are found in metal polishes.

These types of chemicals can irritate the eyes, lungs, nervous system, kidneys, eyes, and skin.


These chemicals are found in disinfectants.

If they are ingested, they can cause diarrhea, fainting, dizziness, and kidney and liver damage.


Nitrobenzene is found in furniture and floor polishes.

When inhaled, nitrobenzene can cause shallow breathing. When ingested, it can cause poisoning and possibly death. This chemical has also been linked to cancer and birth defects.


Formaldehyde is used as a preservative in many household products.

It is a suspected human carcinogen and can also irritate your eyes, throat, skin and lungs.


These chemicals are found in toilet bowl cleaners.

They can burn your skin and even cause blindness if splashed in your eyes. If ingested, it can burn your stomach.


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