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These are my suggestions on how you can start using the essential oils in your starter kit until you discover their many benefits and are able to incorporate them into your life based on your needs.

(Some of the oils listed below may not be in your kit if they out of stock.)


Premium Essential Oils Collection;

  • Lavender

  • Peppermint

  • Lemon

  • Frankincense

  • Thieves

  • Citrus Fresh

  • Raven

  • DiGize

  • PanAway

  • Stress Away


    Peace & Calming



  • Drink a tall glass of Lemon and Peppermint water to get your body going in the morning.

  • Drink a shot of NingXia Red with Frankincense and Thieves.


  • Drink a tall glass of Peppermint water to give you that boost you need in the middle of the day.


  • Add Peppermint to your water to give you that extra boost you need during exercise.

  • Add Stress Away to water following exercise.

  • Apply PanAway topically after a strenuous workout for a refreshing cooldown.

Bed Time:

  • Diffuse Lavender at night for a calming aroma during sleep.

Skin Care:

  • Apply 1-2 drops of Frankincense to the face and neck to minimize visual blemishes and add a healthy-looking glow.

  • Use a small amount of Tea Tree on blemishes.

  • Apply 2-4 drops of Lavender to skin to moisturize and enhance skin radiance.

  • Apply 2-4 drops of Frankincense to moisturize dry skin.

  • Massage 1-2 drops of Purification to moisturize skin.

  • Moisturize the skin by rubbing 1-3 drops of Tea Tree oil into the palms of your hands and gently massaging over areas of concern.

Living Below the Wellness Line:

  • Rub R.C. on sinuses, chest, and on bottoms of feet below toes to open up airways.

  • Use DiGize on bottoms of feet, on stomach, or in a capsule after eating unhealthy or when you have an upset stomach.

  • Combine LemonLavenderPeppermint, and Copaiba and rub on temples, behind ears, back of neck, and on sinuses when you aren’t feeling well.

  • Diffuse or add R.C. to a bowl of hot, steaming water.  Place a towel over your head and inhale the soothing steam.

  • Dilute and apply R.C. to chest, neck and throat areas as needed.

Overall Health:

  • Add a drop of Frankincense and Thieves to NingXia Red, juice or almond milk.

  • Add 1-2 drops of Peppermint in a capsule after mealtime to help support normal digestion.

  • Use Lemon as a dietary supplement in your daily routine.

  • Add 1-2 drops of Copaiba to a vegetarian capsule and take internally daily to promote overall wellness.

  • Dilute 1 drop Thieves in 4 drops of carrier oil and add to a capsule.  Take one time daily to maintain a healthy respiratory system.

  • Add 1-2 drops of DiGize to water and drink in the morning or at night to support your digestive system. 

  • Add 1-2 drops of DiGize to a vegetarian gel capsule and take internally following a meal. 

Aches and Pains:

  • Rub PanAway on location using V-6 Vegetable oil or coconut oil.

  • On the Peppermint bottle, remove the plastic tip and replace with the AromaGlide Roller Fitment and roll on temple, neck, and head when your head starts hurting.

  • Combine Copaiba and PanAway when joints are hurting.

  • Add Copaiba to a capsule when joints are hurting and to promote healthy digestion.


  • Put a few drops of Lavender in some Epsom Salt and put in bath to relax.

  • Rub Stress Away on temples, back of neck, chest, and/or on wrists.

  • Add a couple drops of Stress Away to a glass of water.

  • Add 1-2 drops of Stress Away to natural fruit or vegetable juice throughout the day when life is demanding.


  • Apply several drops of PanAway onto the bottoms of feet for a soothing, relaxing foot massage.

  • Place 3-4 drops of PanAway onto a hot towel and hold over the abdomen for a cool, refreshing effect.

  • Add Tea Tree to your favorite Young Living massage oil to elevate your massage experience.

  • Diffuse Tea Tree to create an aromatic, spa-like environment.

Prayer, Yoga, or Meditation:

  • Diffuse Frankincense to enrich prayer, yoga, or meditation for a deeper spiritual connection.


  • Make Thieves or Purification sprays to disinfect your home.

  • Diffuse ThievesPurification, or R.C. to create a healthy environment.

  • Add 8-12 drops of Lavender to water and spray under beds and in closets for a fresh, pleasing aroma.

  • Combine several drops of Purification with water in a spray bottle and spray to eliminate unpleasant smells such as smoke, mildew, and stale food odors.

  • Diffuse Purification to clean the air of foul or stale odors.


  • Use Purification topically and on animals to enjoy the outdoors annoyance-free.


  • Substitute Lemon for lemon juice or lemon seasoning to flavor vegetables, beverages, and desserts.

  • Add 1 drop of Peppermint to herbal tea to enhance flavor and help maintain the efficiency of your digestive system.

  • Add 1 drop of Copaiba to an herbal tea such as chamomile or rooibos to enjoy the complex flavor and to support your health regimen.

  • Add Thieves to food or beverages or take internally to enjoy it's powerful benefits.



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